The Bible Nut, whose given name was Joseph, had recently found out that between 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm each day the café across the road would sell their muffins at the reduced price of two dollars. Joseph’s permit allowed him to speak until 7:30 pm but lately, he had been stopping a little early to catch the sale. ‘And Jehovah called unto Moses, and spake unto him out …’ The Lord would forgive him...
Reading Hegel [part 2] on “Desire”
← As consciousness proceeds into self-consciousness, it is forced into contact with another ego. The mediation of this contact is apparently necessary. Something to do with infinity and dynamic unities and the law of inversion and life. I am not convinced. For the in-itself, or the universal result of the relation of the Understanding to the inwardness of things, is the distinguishing of what is...
Reading Hegel on “Sense-Certainty”
Editorial notes: In September 2014, Shai publishes his fifth blog entitled “M-III” (short for Meantime-III) and subtitled “The Traveller is the Journey” (not to be confused with a later blog entitled “The Traveller is the Journey”, published in 2015). In the ‘About’ page of the blog, Shai shares his observations on his place in the world: “So far most I can tell is that this...
The Study of Language (4th Edition) by George Yule
Editorial notes: The content below is Shai’s summary of “The Study of Language” (4th Edition) by George Yule[I]. Ch.3 THE SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE Phonetics = characteristics of speech sounds Articulatory phonetics = how speech sounds are made Vocal folds Voiceless = e.g. [s], [f], when they are open and air passes unimpeded Voiced = e.g. [z], [v], when they are drawn together...
Writings Systems – an introduction to their linguistic analysis by Florian Coulmas
Editorial notes: The content below is what looks like the beginning of a collection of quotes and thoughts gathered from Florian Coulmas’ [I] Writings Systems; an introduction to their linguistic analysis“[II]. Chapter 1 Aristotle “On Interpretation” : Words spoken are symbols of affections or impressions of the soul; written words are symbols of words spoken. And just as...
Planning a future for this meta-journal
Among the perennial tasks involved in the maintenance and productivity of this (for want of a brief title) meta-journal are those related to transferring data from other sources to this location. I list the following in the format of check-boxes, despite perennial nature of these tasks, and that is due to what is mostly an aesthetic motivation, but that involves also a desire to incite activity...
Biography 1730-1788 (58) Born and studied (although without completing) university in Königsberg. Took a job with a friend (Berens), but failed at some mission, which after living a high life was left impoverished, alone and lonely. In this state, in a rented attic, depressed, he read the Bible and had a conversion. He returned to Berens, was forgiven but forbidden to marry Berens’...
Kant’s Third Critique
Contents: Some scribblings Per IEP article. Per SEP article. Per NDPR: The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom. Some Scribblings… It’s not a priori obvious why Kant should concern himself with beauty, especially not with the regard and the significance with which he describes it within his overall architectonic. There are of course historical reasons for his focus (esp...
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine; a story Background, some of it relevant and some of it decorative: Paine was born in Norfolk 1737, as England was beginning its industrial revolution. He received basic schooling, but was forbidden to learn Latin by his father (curious “A.” because this is a bias he would hold onto, considering it a useless and wasteful effort, and “B.” because it suggests...
French Revolution
Editor Notes: Editorial notes: Shai’s interest in the French Revolution is likely driven by his study of classical philosophers and his desire to better understand the period in which they lived and the impact it might have had on their philosophical views. The specific reference to the French Revolution starts in his review of Edmund Burke’s “Philosophical Enquiry into the...