The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Constructing a Contemplation for Confidence


Here I attempt to design instructions for contemplation which aims to induce an awareness of eligibility, allure, and direction, for a particular will. Here I use the will that says, “I shall rule,” (which are the first three words of all wills), “and my majesty shall be the prism that knows itself to be riding a ladder constructed of dreams within dreams.” First select three forms that are...

Map To My Future


My dreams for the future. This is what I want you to do. And this is why I want you to do it. My dream is to employ (in vitro) brain to computer interfaces to study the interaction of differentiable memory and processing schemas. To achieve this I will aim for at least the following: Experience in psychological DS (e.g. within the domain of e-commerce, journalism) Feasible via industry placement...

Meditating on death


The Buddha called sickness, ageing and death, the divine messengers. The Buddha called death the supreme teacher, containing all teachers just the elephant’s footprint can contain all others. I know that I will become sick, that I will age, and that I will die. I know these things but rarely am I aware of them. I begin with an intention to be aware of that death. I spark my mind with...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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