The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

CategoryScience News

Notes on Nature Magazine 08 Oct 2014


Health: The weighty costs of non-caloric sweeteners A new study shows that metabolic changes induced by non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) (e.g. elevated fasting glucose) are induced by (and can be directly induced by) changes to gut bacteria. Include human demonstration. Further hypotheses: (1) Increase in bacteria that break down dietary components, esp. energy extraction including fats...

Monday October 14, 2013


This is Nature October 10 2013, Vol. 502, Iss. 7470, Pp. 141-264. Big weapons have little downside. Secrets of trial data revealed. Earth science: The timing of climate change. Quantum physics: Watching the wavefunction collapse – – I’m not reviewing this article (but bookmarked) because I simply do not have a strong enough foundation in QM. Cell biology: Molecular clearance at...

Science Review: Cancer immunoscore and Neurochronoarchitecture


Concept: Cancer immunoscore. Also: TNM staging. Background: Cancers are traditionally scored using TNM (tumor, lymph node, metastasis) staging. Evidence that proximity of immune cells to tumor is correlative to therapy success. Technology: Cancers can be beneficially scored by using description of local immune cells. Source: Based on a News piece published in Nature (3 April 2013). Concept:...

Science 090813 II: PubPeer, social influence bias, transcription factories, microbiome speciation, and neuronal methylation


This is a continuation of an effort to review Science 9 August 2013 Vol. 341 no. 6416. V. PubPeer is a nice, interesting, and new website, designed to allow readers to critique papers they’ve read. VI. P647, I read the full research paper, entitled Social Influence Bias: A Randomized Experiment – basically about how knowing about aggregated opinions affects our own, albeit in...

Science Review: Bioproxies


Source: [TREND_G] The desired outcome after having ‘known‘ this concept is a novel perception. The seed for this perception is the concept of bioproxies, that I can define as ‘xyz’, and in the literature includes the following distinctions ‘a,b,c’. Example: Madagascar which was settled in the mid-first millennium:  The local language is Malagasy which is...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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