The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

CategoryTorah Commentary



To suggest a framework, within a narrative of textual commentary, for understanding (a) on what basis a de novo commentary could be written; (b) how this is seen within the 1st/10th commandments, and to do so, explain how Torah framing can, without internal contradiction (within this write-up) accommodate the universal uniqueness (which includes, e.g. “enemies of the faith according to any...



Practical Midrash: Thinking about secondary “currency” used to stabilize internal value (money) flow between gov’t and citizens, such that tax is not a “gift” to government, but rather a loss-invoking investment (~renting stock/bonds) which [i.e. ~reimbursement/repayment/dividends] has been capped according to the relationship between concentrated value (e.g. gold) and fundamental value (e.g...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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