The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

CategoryShort Story

What is a Random Number


In the middle of my life, I found myself adrift in elderly trails of an ancient forest. The forest was older than the fur and feathers that tossed and curled amongst its barks and tendrils. It was older even than the soil that was its current home. Once, long ago, it had been under the sea, composed of microbial blooms and an innovative evolutionary whirlwind. Forest Alone in the forest, lost...

Untitled Document


By the late decade, he was an architect for a new data trawler innovate, designed to ease the congestion in cross-domain strategy development. These projects had stalled for weeks and were the major advantage of the Democrat party, which held them their single greatest advantage in the “Wise Decisions polls” TM. The party made a drastic decision to pool resources from alternative...

An epic journey


I have been on an epic journey. I have travelled a countless distance and endured unmeasurable inflictions. This is my story. It began with a breath I learned to sit with the breath and discovered great subtleties of silence. In time these places of bliss became distracted by moments of tension. I tugged on the thread. At the end of the tension was a discomfort, small and ambiguous. It was a...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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