The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Developmental biology on one leg; or, a collaboration of memories and allegorical hand-waving


There should be no doubt in the mind of the reflective sapiens that their biological basis is the least likely and most astounding object within all that they have known or imagined. But why? I force the reader to expand this sense of astonishment by (before leaping into a strict series of educational demonstrations) illustrating some elements that comprise their unarticulated amazement. How does...

Untitled allegory


This is an allegory. It distorts a lot what it intends to allude. There was an article the other day about new documents uncovered in King’s College. The papers are by Newton and describe a dream he had. In this dream he discovered the key to the alchemist’s stone and used the stone to gaze back in time, to see who had built the stone hedges near his house.  He saw primitive sapiens...

Musings on Acetic Acid


An original introduction to the science and nutrition of apple cider vinegar (ACV) supplementation for horses Or; fact versus fantasy ACV is a popular supplement given to horses (as well as cattle and people), and has been claimed to do everything from curing cancer to osteoporosis, to repelling mosquitos. This is the first comprehensive introduction into the known science of ACV for the use of...

Notes on Nature Magazine 08 Oct 2014


Health: The weighty costs of non-caloric sweeteners A new study shows that metabolic changes induced by non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) (e.g. elevated fasting glucose) are induced by (and can be directly induced by) changes to gut bacteria. Include human demonstration. Further hypotheses: (1) Increase in bacteria that break down dietary components, esp. energy extraction including fats...

An Expedition Into Photosynthesis – Setting Forth


Sitting with Lucretius in the garden There are moments when the jungle before me implodes under the weight of its own complexity. Every stone is a mountain writ small, and the invisible air conceals a maelstrom of atoms and vacuums. The appearance of stability dissolves: reality rearranges itself into a catalogue of magnitudes. The substance of “being” comprises yardsticks and...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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