The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Constructing a Contemplation for Confidence


Here I attempt to design instructions for contemplation which aims to induce an awareness of eligibility, allure, and direction, for a particular will. Here I use the will that says, “I shall rule,” (which are the first three words of all wills), “and my majesty shall be the prism that knows itself to be riding a ladder constructed of dreams within dreams.” First select three forms that are...

Personal Statement RMIT 2016


To whom it may concern, A personal statement is not mandatory for my application to a Masters in Analytics but is an opportunity for me to advertise my interest and relevant experience. This letter will comprise a quasi-biographical form since that is the easiest medium for expressing and communicating my position. I have a background in biomedical science (completed with an Honours year in 2008...

First impressions of R


I’ve only been studying R[I] for a few weeks. It’s my second programming language, and I’m only a beginner at my first – python. R is strangely strange. It looks a bit like java with all its brackets, but then goes and uses “<-” for designating variables, as if the universal “=” wasn’t good enough. In my accumulation of anecdotal evidence...

Reflecting on a study of Buddhism


I have spent a few months engaging myself in a regular study and consideration of Buddhism. My schedule now calls for me to move onto other studies, which makes this a good time to reflect on what I’ve learned, how I’ve learned it, the methods I used, and the advice I would give myself or another interested in a similar venture. My introduction to Buddhism began with an interest in...

A map to a first stage of learning python


The atlas is filled with maps, and the roads twist and turn around short-cuts and panoramic views. Here is the advice of a singular traveller, still a beginner. Where this begins This begins where I did. Knowing about programming, and knowing a little about how to program. About 7 years ago I had self-taught a basic level of HTML, CSS (enough to write a basic website, or more likely, edit the...

Learning to think OOP


Learning to code includes memorizing syntax, comprehending logical flow, and an intuition of design. This includes learning the basic units of code (e.g. if, and, for, def), the behaviour of code components (e.g. loops, generators, functions), and knowing how to combine these into a synergistic whole. Object-oriented program is an advantage which heralds its own recommendations by the...

Learning to make a game


Last November I started learning to code python[I]. In 5 weeks I hope to have finished creating a card game. Learning python Briefly: codecadamey, Learn Python The Hard Way, The Python Game Book, Foundations in Python Networking, reddit, stackexchange, python standard library documentation, prolog challenges, codewars, checkio. A review of this process needs to wait for another day. What sort of...

Progress through pygame


Walking through the imaginary forest of possibilities can be overwhelming. I walk to discover, and I walk to create, and I walk to achieve my goals within the boundaries of time. Studying python has been exploration unto itself, and an exploration of exploration. I have surpassed primary levels of comprehension within python (absorbing presumptions and laws of syntax and vocabulary) towards more...

Continuing early progress in python


The topology of progress is frustrating in the revelations of its unexpected troughs, and heights that transcend themselves into plateaus. The revelation of progress is frustration, proving itself only by the quagmire of unfamiliar stretches, yet (do not fear, for) they hide in their shadows easy slopes of epiphanies spurring euphoria. New lessons earn new vistas promising fresh territories for...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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