The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


What is a Random Number


In the middle of my life, I found myself adrift in elderly trails of an ancient forest. The forest was older than the fur and feathers that tossed and curled amongst its barks and tendrils. It was older even than the soil that was its current home. Once, long ago, it had been under the sea, composed of microbial blooms and an innovative evolutionary whirlwind. Forest Alone in the forest, lost...

A menu in poem


Anything you say or do can be used against you.                          The mornings introduce themselves like a waiter living off tips like a feature film (a dramatic good-cop bad-copy slow-paced thriller) – otherwise indistinct from the previews and last minute phone call in the foyer – like a trumpeter testing a borrowed horn. And though “although” I come here every day (tautology...

Secret Secrets


This is an ode to that which it will never allude; or, A shadow of the sun.
You are not this,
Nor this.
You said “that”,
Instead of that.
That which was something,
May have been
To untie a knot
By tangling.
To be
The strong
Nuclear Force
Gets stronger –
Equal and
This stayed at
Now so did

the world is pitch darkness and no one notices


When we saw the graves we knew ourselves ready for oblivion, whenever soon it came. We sat down and wrote our goodbye, “This”, we said, “was our favourite thing” (amongst all that we’d experienced within life) That experience. The expansion in the mind that turns the world and we sit still in the center, still. Enlightening what had been impossible to say, or think, or not think. A space that can...

A brazen moment


I see your shadow in the mirror, in the shapes between a flock of birds, in the space between my eyes, my thoughts.
All that I know is that I can’t see you. I see your beauty but not your hand. Your elegance but not your feet.
How could I not love you, who crafts the smudges of clouds, at every hour, every vista, every biography, history, event horizon.

Step outside


Just for a few minutes. Not literally. The way things look is undeniable. The more we look, the more we see. And it’s still undeniable. But behind it all. Between shadows and flickers of distraction, is some other thing, a gossamer lighthouse, impossible and tall. I don’t know what other shapes it has; only the ones I’ve seen: It’s the desperate hope that the way something...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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