The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Pomegranate Express


Socrates and Leonard Cohen sit beneath an olive tree smoking opium from a Chinese pipe. Socrates: Gestures at black tar. Is this British? It has that tangy taste. LC: You know I don’t buy British. Both are silent as they mull over each other’s words. LC: You know I got fans. S: I got fans. LC: Yeah, but mine are alive. S: LC: Sometimes I think they want all my songs to be about sex, but I don’t...

What is a Random Number


In the middle of my life, I found myself adrift in elderly trails of an ancient forest. The forest was older than the fur and feathers that tossed and curled amongst its barks and tendrils. It was older even than the soil that was its current home. Once, long ago, it had been under the sea, composed of microbial blooms and an innovative evolutionary whirlwind. Forest Alone in the forest, lost...



Henry Rockovich; or, Do Magic Mirrors Cause Evil Proclivities (Wicked Witches vs Nokia)? “The ghosts and their assorted undead et al were the first to adopt the new mobile technology. For those who had kept their thumbs when transitioning into the bright light, the keypad was an obvious winner in an industry previously dominated by Ouija boards and foggy mirrors. There were the usual grumble and...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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