The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Similar Brain Across Bios


There’s a great new study that shows how similar vertebrates’ and insects’ brains are. The scientists conduct molecular, developmental, genetic, and structural/morphological, neurochemical, neurological, and higher-order function tests! So maybe that’s cool1, but no real surprise2 1. It’s actually super amazing cool. 2. Well, not to someone with a reasonable education in biology. But I think this...

Neurobiology of love


This is for you. I love you. Love is the quintessential romantic, irrational, human experience. It is in the first place the domain of its clients, although readily owned by the poets. As for others. The philosophers are permitted access, though they often regress into poets too; describing love as sacred, profound, and utterly existential. In the penultimate place in the line for love, in front...

Monday October 14, 2013


This is Nature October 10 2013, Vol. 502, Iss. 7470, Pp. 141-264. Big weapons have little downside. Secrets of trial data revealed. Earth science: The timing of climate change. Quantum physics: Watching the wavefunction collapse – – I’m not reviewing this article (but bookmarked) because I simply do not have a strong enough foundation in QM. Cell biology: Molecular clearance at...

Science Review: Cancer immunoscore and Neurochronoarchitecture


Concept: Cancer immunoscore. Also: TNM staging. Background: Cancers are traditionally scored using TNM (tumor, lymph node, metastasis) staging. Evidence that proximity of immune cells to tumor is correlative to therapy success. Technology: Cancers can be beneficially scored by using description of local immune cells. Source: Based on a News piece published in Nature (3 April 2013). Concept:...

Thursday September 19, 2013


I have listened to a Nature podcast: Stephen Hawkings and Edward Snowden are heroes of mine. They just found the largest volcano in the entire solar system. And it’s on Earth! Go Science! Team Earth. Children respond intellectually (as by the ability to differentiate dinosaurs from another species) to not only human noise (chatter), but also animal noise (cf. language). One of the greatest...

Science 090813 II: PubPeer, social influence bias, transcription factories, microbiome speciation, and neuronal methylation


This is a continuation of an effort to review Science 9 August 2013 Vol. 341 no. 6416. V. PubPeer is a nice, interesting, and new website, designed to allow readers to critique papers they’ve read. VI. P647, I read the full research paper, entitled Social Influence Bias: A Randomized Experiment – basically about how knowing about aggregated opinions affects our own, albeit in...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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