The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Saturday November 16, 2013


I’m noticing a pattern… some sort of correlation between a quantum unit of dates and the flow of time… but to what end? And how does a continuum translate into an array of discrete units? But more pressing and vexing: to what end? Tick tock, tick tock, tick… NEW DAY. Hmmm. Pressing forth into the fourth chapter of Scaruffi’s challenge Prequel; or, In last’s...

Friday November 15, 2013


Contents: Philosopher Briefs: Christian Wolff Dear Diary and Focus of Journaling “What is this,” asked Mr. Self-Referential. Philosopher Briefs: Christian Wolff – Take 2 (In which I write a little bit about my previous [mis]understanding of Wolff, and lead into a discussion of his relationship with Leibniz) Yesterday I had initiated my intention. Today I hope to overcome these...

Wednesday November 13, 2013


Michael Graziano attention schema theory (I read the article “How the light gets out” in Aeon Magazine, and positioned the details against the backdrop of theory I’ve learned from what I’ve read of Scaruffi on consciousness. I’ve stolen this single sentence biography from the same article: Michael Graziano is a neuroscientist, novelist and composer. He is a professor...

Friday November 8, 2013


Paul-Henri Thiry (Baron) d’Holbach Read the SEP entry on Holbach, per which I base the following: Biography: This Frenchman (1723-1789) has been categorized as a materialist and atheist, and was known in his time for his “parties” (for want of a word, although they are described in terms of their guests who were famous intellectuals of all sorts). Despite the revolutionary...

Wednesday November 6, 2013


Readings in Scaruffi So I’ve been reading the third chapter of Scaruffi’s book on consciousness, concerning (quote-unquote) machine intelligence. More than the previous chapter, I feel like I’m being presented with a list of relevant facts upon which a narrative is being implied but not explicitly argued. Instead of re-stating a summary of the chapter, I’ll attempt a...

Tuesday November 5, 2013


Epiphenomenalism: The thorn of dualism is to bridge two things that have been defined in opposition. Recognized approaches towards tackling this gap include interactionism (there is a third thing that unites), supervenience (mind manifests from matter), and epiphenomenalism (mind exists as an effect of matter without being a cause itself). Epiphenomenalism is the least intuitive of this triad, as...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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