The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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Wednesday October 16, 2013


A pseudo-essay informed and inspired by Condillac’s philosophy, that aims to describe a monadology of experience as a paradigm underlining autodidacticity and an autodidactic method: I’ve been active and interested in creating what I’ve tongue-in-cheek been referring to as the monadology of experience, which I’ve used to mean, “the independent units from which we...

Monday October 14, 2013


This is Nature October 10 2013, Vol. 502, Iss. 7470, Pp. 141-264. Big weapons have little downside. Secrets of trial data revealed. Earth science: The timing of climate change. Quantum physics: Watching the wavefunction collapse – – I’m not reviewing this article (but bookmarked) because I simply do not have a strong enough foundation in QM. Cell biology: Molecular clearance at...

The meaning of reviewing websites on the meaning of life

T is an essay made up of 44 points that describe the human experience from birth to death. This is a subset of a category that can be described as, “A number of lessons,” that often include advice on living (amongst the various modes of living) and explanations that make it easier to understand and thus coexist with life’s experiences. can be...

How to read Condillac


An important principle I have absorbed is that while the edifice of philosophy have their values, unless one is viewing them as an historian then they are also merely tools and words; useful but not to be confused with philo-sophia: love of knowledge. Let’s raise the question, “Why read philosophical treatises?” First, it can inspire. But it can be valuable even when approached...

Would this be the first word?


This aspect of a multidimensional array is one place where I deal with the realization that any non-trivial collation of information in my life could only be arbitrarily limited to a single mode or media. That makes this place rather complicated, and some things must be done for practicality’s sake, such as choosing a notebook to act like a front page of a building, to serve the meta needs...

Science Review: Cancer immunoscore and Neurochronoarchitecture


Concept: Cancer immunoscore. Also: TNM staging. Background: Cancers are traditionally scored using TNM (tumor, lymph node, metastasis) staging. Evidence that proximity of immune cells to tumor is correlative to therapy success. Technology: Cancers can be beneficially scored by using description of local immune cells. Source: Based on a News piece published in Nature (3 April 2013). Concept:...

Questioning delineation within Evernote


The title really says it all, but I can say it again. This program utilizes different levels of organization. At the present time I observe: Account Stack Notebook Note Text There can be various items within each level and in hierarchal relationships. (Cf. tags). Within each level, how many items in how many hierarchies, and what is their content? For most items, the content is also their name...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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