The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Thinking About Unhappy Consciousness (and God’s Dogs)


When I first read Hegel on "the unhappy consciousness", I struggled to make sense of it; a strange conversation gave it new meaning. The epiphany came about as we started talking about why dogs are so happy; why a dog's life can be said to be perfect, and enviable too! And not just any dogs - domesticated dogs. What we seem to want is an external standard and confirmation of our purpose...

Reading Hegel [part 5] on “The Unhappy Consciousness”


Reading Hegel about a form of consciousness he calls "unhappy", because not only does it define itself as a dichotomy, but it divides and separates the aspect of itself that it feels to be unchangeable and essential. This leaves a self that sees itself as a changing transience, and that strives to relate to the truth, i.e. to the unchanging aspect of itself which was divested, and Hegel sees this...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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