The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Men and Cartoons


I hadn’t intended to review this book – Men and Cartoons: Stories by Jonathan Lethem – but then, like with so many other things, I got thinking. This was the first thing I’d ever read by Lethem – surely there must be something unique about a person’s first introduction to an author? Surely there must be something unique about my introduction to Lethem? But...

Reflections on the Human Condition


Three books collide in my mind and make me reflect on the human condition. Please excuse me. 1. T.S. Eliot wrote that April is the cruellest month because it reminds us of renewal; once, long ago, a woman asked the gods for immortality but forgot to ask for eternal youth. She begs to die and the renewal of spring in April taunts her. 2. Jorge Luis Borges, who was undoubtedly intimately familiar...

Babel Box


This is a box which has the ability to transform the nature of a book placed within it, in such a way that the audience (what may be considered the direction to which the author intends their ideas) is changed to a new, specific, target. The box only changes the one book which has been placed inside it, and all other similar books – including those books with otherwise identical text...

Thursday November 28, 2013


Before I conjure the writings that this “place” deems cut off by the delineations (as if there were such a thing) of time, let me pause. First to orient myself (here and not there) and then to suggest some directions. All that really has purpose from “there” (a label and mode of description that could be translated by reference {wait: you want to hear something funny [cf...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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