Health: The weighty costs of non-caloric sweeteners A new study shows that metabolic changes induced by non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) (e.g. elevated fasting glucose) are induced by (and can be directly induced by) changes to gut bacteria. Include human demonstration. Further hypotheses: (1) Increase in bacteria that break down dietary components, esp. energy extraction including fats...
Philosophy bites Podcast- A Person
Editorial notes: This is Shai’s first reference to the French philosopher of Lithuanian Jewish ancestry, Emmanuel Levinas. Levinas’ ideas appear to have made an impact on Shai’s outlook as he refers to him 11 more times in the following three and a half years, most notably in a post entitled “Perceptions of wisdom in the Talmud with Emmanuel Levinas“. Levinas[I] says that we come to be ourselves...
Tid-bits; one-liners
Classics (of literature) provide a (recommended) baseline for communication about the majority of books whose reading-status must, by all likelihood, not be shared. Philosophy is a means for each generation (it’s a particular medley of culture, technology, and world events) to communicate with another (in its moment in history, past present, or future across each network made from...
Wednesday November 20, 2013
Faced with the empty page and a non-existent word count, the text unfolds like a strange and alien embryo that finds itself on unmarked paths; an existential development built in a primitive semantics.
Note to self
Be Normal.
At least to your own values.
Saturday October 26, 2013
The first question is, “What is the mind”. I agree with Socrates that to begin we need to understand the question. “Mind” is a loose term that includes different phenomenon that are (seemingly) associated. I am not discarding this paltry scrapheap of words because at least it includes a reasonable philosophical strategy, and that is in itself worthy of further application...
What are time and space
Time and space are the changing acting on the unchanging
(I wonder if this is the difference between mind and matter).
Saturday September 14, 2013
Money dominates our reality When I think about what money really is, I’m neither surprised nor disappointed that we’ve become existentially dependent on it. If you follow backwards along the chain of causality, you may see that most-every reward can be a consequence of money. There’s no way that can’t change us as we live our lives enveloped by this net! We treat cannabis...
But You Are Free is a persuasion technique that consists of reaffirming a person’s free choice. The specific words are not especially important, (“BYAF” is as good as “but obviously do not feel obligated”). Strength depends on being done face-to-face. It still has an effect in email, but it is reduced. Supported by 42 studies and 22,000 subjects/people. The best...