The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


A Call to Darkness (TNG)


The ninth numbered TNG novel, A Call to Darkness is one Michael J. Friedman's first works, and his first TNG foray.Detail from "A Call to Darkness" cover

The plot involves the crew in search of a McGuffin (in this case a missing research vessel) when they discover a shielded planet. Attempts to rescue the McGuffin which lies just past the shield results in the disappearance of key personnel.

The Captain’s Honor (TNG)


The Captain's Honor, TNG book number eight, was co-written by father and son David and Daniel Dvorkin. The novel begins with the Enterprise joining the Centurion, another Starfleet ship, in the task of protecting the peace of a pacifist planet (Tenara). The people of Tenara have been violently raided by a strange feline species called the M'dok. The Centurion is manned by Magna Romans, who have...

Masks (TNG)


Masks, by John Vornholt, is the seventh of the numbered TNG novels. The plot involves the Enterprise transporting ambassador Lewis to a planet called Lorca, on which reside descendants of a circus-troupe whose culture has formed around a caste system externalized through the wearing of masks. A number of plot-elements allow two isolated parties of the crew to stay on the planet while details are...



Editorial notes: In Jan 2010 Shai embarked on his third blogging journey, starting a blog dedicated to reviews of pinball machines :-). This expedition was short-lived (one day only) with only one full review published (see below) and another incomplete draft. Location: Comics ‘r’ Us @ 114 Chapel St, Windsor VIC Machine: Star Wars Trilogy In the corner of the cramp comics store sit...

Power Hungry (TNG)


Power Hungry by Howard Weinstein is the sixth numbered TNG novel. The plot involves the Enterprise being sent on a relief mission, bringing food and equipment, to a candidate Federation planet. The planet, Thiopia, has undergone until recently rapid development due to a trading agreement with Nuarans, which has resulted in extreme and ongoing ecological degradation. The plot involves slowly...

I saved Latin. What did you ever do?


Rushmore (1988) was the second full-length film directed by Wes Anderson, and like his first film Bottle Rocket, it was co-written with Owen Wilson. The story revolves around 15-year-old Max Fischer (played by Jason Schwartzman) who attends the socially selective school Rushmore on an academic scholarship, and who at the beginning of the story is being told that he will be expelled if...

Strike Zone (TNG)


Strike Zone by Peter David the fifth novel in the TNG series. The plot involves the Kreel (who apparently are the most hated enemy of the Klingon due to their [thickly laid on] dishonourable nature) discovering an ancient stash of weapons, attacking the Klingon, etc., the Enterprise is called in to host talks which involve a journey with both parties aboard. A final resolution involves a failed...

Survivors (TNG)


Survivors, by Jean Lorrah, is the fourth of the numbered TNG novels. The story involves Data and Tasha being sent down to a potential Federation candidate planet (Treva) which has asked for help in quelling an insurrection by local warlords. Things happen, eventually they are captured by these warlords, who include Tasha’s former mentor and original rescuer and ex-lover (and who betrayed...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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