Survivors, by Jean Lorrah, is the fourth of the numbered TNG novels. The story involves Data and Tasha being sent down to a potential Federation candidate planet (Treva) which has asked for help in quelling an insurrection by local warlords. Things happen, eventually they are captured by these warlords, who include Tasha’s former mentor and original rescuer and ex-lover (and who betrayed...
Children of Hamlin (TNG)
Children of Hamlin, by Carmen Carter, is the third of the numbered TNG books . There are two plots, the minor of which involves the ferrying of some “Farmers”, who eschew technology, to a new colony. The major plot begins with the discovery of a ship under attack by an unknown alien vessel. After sending the enemy ship into retreat they take on board the survivors, including one man...
The Peacekeepers (TNG)
The Peacekeepers, by Gene DeWeese, is the second of the numbered TNG books. The plot begins with the Enterprise identifying a strange vessel which is completely self-enclosed and uniform in layout. Soon after Geordie and Data are lost (from the perspective of the rest of the crew) having been transported far away to some orbital station where they are regarded by the leader (who greets them) as...
Ghost Ship (TNG)
Ghost Ship (Diane Carey) was the first of the novel [sic] TNG novels. Given that it was released in mid-1988 it was most likely commissioned some time during the first season, which is a round-a-bout way of saying that perhaps there's a practical reason for the poor characterization which will inevitably dominate this review.
About Past Farpoint
This blog was set up to allow me to post reviews of TNG novels, including thoughts and links to other pertinent reviews or resources. For the time being, new posts will appear once a week. At this time reviews will appear on the first Sunday of the month.
The author can be contacted easily, either by posting anywhere on the blog or else by sending an email to pastfarpoint (at
The Eyes of the Dragon (BR)
The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King One of King’s earlier novels, this story is more of a fantasy than the horror he is best known for. The book’s setting is in the kingdom of Delain, where King Roland reigns. Quote: Roland the king was neither the best nor the worst king ever to rule the land. He tried very hard not to do anyone great evil and mostly succeeded. He also tried very...
The Father-Thing (BR)
The Father-Thing by Philip K Dick This is the third out of five volumes of PKD’s collected short stories. The 25 stories written in the period somewhat over a year before the author’s first published novel. My favourite in the collection would have to be ‘The Hanging Stranger‘, in which a man on his way to work notices a corpse handing in plain view. His disturbance at the...
The Drowned and the Saved (BR)
Editorial notes: This is Shai’s entry into the domain of digital publishing as he contributes an article in the Gaia Online Writers Forum. Shai was not only a prolific writer but also an avid reader and it is thus fitting that his first digital post is a book review, the first of 68 book reviews written between October 2004 and March 2016 (only three of which were published in the Gaia Online...