The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Greenblatt – The Swerve


Summary: The rediscovery of Lucretius’ text by Italian scribe (Poggio Bracciolini) and its impact on contemporary / renaissance thinking. Quote: “[With Lucretius] it became possible – never easy, but possible – in the poet Auden’s phrase to find the mortal world enough.” {Preface} “Acediosus, sometimes translated as “apathetic,” refers to an illness...

Thomas Aquinas’ Five Ways


Thomas Aquinas spent the last twenty years of his life writing the famous Summa Theologica; a guide to the divine. The Summa included the quinque viae, the “five ways” by which the existence of God can be proved. A few months before his death, Aquinas stopped writing. When begged to continue he only said, “All that I have written seems as straw to me.” The Unmoved Mover:...

The Consolation of Philosophy


Any man who has fallen never stood securely (I poem 1) Whenever I think of the variegation of human lives I think of Boethius in his cell drafting and commiserating his own misfortune. Background: Boethius was born 476CE around the time that the last Western Roman Emperor was being overthrown. In 493 the leadership changed again as the Ostrogoths took over under Theodoric the Great, whom Boethius...

Antikythera mechanism


In a nutshell, the Antikythera Mechanism is the thing that should not be. It is a mechanical artifact discovered around a hundred years ago at the bottom of the ocean, dated to about a hundred years before the common era, and which uses gears and other impossibilities to predict astronomical phenomenon and align calendars. Its level of sophistication wouldn’t be approached until the...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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