The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Master switch – part one


Prelude: I call this post “Part one”, not because I have a second or extra content intended to complement this one. But rather to acknowledge the overwhelming observation that what I have achieved here is but a very basic introduction to the question. And so: There’s a switch I can sometimes feel for, somewhere in my mind. It’s just a single button. Nothing fancier than...

Monday September 30, 2013


(1.7) There is a limit to knowledge in the noumenon, although there is a temptation that other philosophers have fallen into by transgressing that boundary. (This being the last thing I wrote yesterday). This idea is reaffirmed in the quote: “The possibility of experience, in general, is therefore at the same time the universal law of nature, and the principles of the experience are the...

Tuesday September 24, 2013


Let me return to the last of yesterday‘s line’s, wherein I was translating Kant into a Euclidean format: (1.4) Introduces “Science of Nature” (1.4.1) “Nature is the existence of things, so far as it is determined according to universal laws.” (1.4.2) In S15 shows what this might look like. [Insightful – see highlights] (1.4.3) Another definition...

Monday September 23, 2013


I’m going to note my Kant reading, and utilize a variation of mind mapping (cf. Euclid). Philosophy has made no progress, I will. 1.1. His arrogance is his boldness which stems from his greatness. Imagine him. A towering intellect. 1.2 Begin from the definition of this science, this scope, this metaphysics. 1.2.1 Analyse, break down into analytic, synthetic and a priori, a posteriori. So...

Friday September 20, 2013


Yesterday’s incomplete sentence was the end-point for what-was. It read: “I can prove that” What? I’ll leave that as a prompt and introduction. A nebulous stepping-stone offering unknowns, and inconceivable benefits to what follows. Is this true? #This. I’ve turned to Kant, whose Prolegomena occupies my table and thoughts. It’s a work in process. Which is to...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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