The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L




To suggest a framework, within a narrative of textual commentary, for understanding (a) on what basis a de novo commentary could be written; (b) how this is seen within the 1st/10th commandments, and to do so, explain how Torah framing can, without internal contradiction (within this write-up) accommodate the universal uniqueness (which includes, e.g. “enemies of the faith according to any...

Closing Down EOFY Sale Summer Hols


A new psychology, or “A Title Which Says QUICK HELP” I’ve dabbled in a model for my vision of Torah-originated mapping of our experiences, such that it would not defy approach by strange elocution, whose tempo and logic dance and lose themselves in weaves, and would instead welcome by dazzling with meaningless colours until their audience was ready to hear what they were ready to know: What’s the...

A Letter to the Ultra-Orthodox


From me, Not really the same colour as you. There is a potent danger which I mostly leave unstated – due to seeming irrelevance to most – but which I hope I can articulate by imagining you as my audience. Bullet points thinking: Moshe unites oil into menorah that is tended by Aaron’s offspring Teruma and ma’aser etc (?) allow am ha’aretz to unite with cohanim etc...

Horses and Children


It dawns on me – in the manner of a cloud unshrouding the sun – that the relationship and effect of H sapien parents on their young can be read through the same prism that refracts the relationship and effect of the H sapien on their equine dependents. Many times it has happened that I learned to discern the pattern of a master’s ego and will in the movement and predilections of their...

Letter to a Jewish Nation


I could never find an audience in my mind, and so I have invented the unborn child’s face to address. Hello, child of Judah and Benjamin and Levi, sons of Israel, son of the one who was laughed at, son of the Nations. I don’t know what your parents taught you. I don’t know what the world is telling you, nor what you think of all these things. If you are anything like I was at your age, then you...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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