{Part 1 – 3/3/2017} B/S: Teruma/Mishkan in terms of Societies made of self-defining individuals who combine into a greater-ly unified character, and yet their collective is a decentralized harmony by way of integrating purposes (without contradiction) Another telling of Creation A mapping of human “unfolding” (cf. creation) onto the metaphysical unfolding (aka creation) Half...
{Part 1 – 26/03/2017} “The Degel Machaneh Ephraim, one of the earliest books that disseminated the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, connects this to the second Mishna in the 6th chapter of Tractate Avot: “Each and every day, a divine voice calls out from Mt. Moriah saying, ‘Woe to the people because their actions are an affront to the Torah!'” This divine voice is our...
{Part 1 – 7/3/2017} Plan: Some ways of seeing Haazinu Segue into phenomenological vectorized matrix metaphor for Torah Segue into Moshe Midrash re negotiation after golden caf Segue into “ve’atah” analytic inverse of Moshe Segue into “tezaveh” Via linking Teruma “vayikchu” side-track otiyot to add depth to “tetzaveh” by...
Can We Escape?
{Part 1 – 22/10/2016} Escape would require some flexibility of intuition and concept (nb. pedigree of terms is arbitrary). I would imagine strengthening a substrate of awareness that acknowledges its own ignorance. I would call this substance metaphorical, and the premises of its construction metaphorical idealism (replacing “conditions of experiencing that define experience” with “defining...
Compare for example Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai on washing hands before bread, and which parts of table-setting may be touched without concern for purity (for potential Teruma): [Is this seen in Brachot 8.4?][I] Does this show that when they are called lenient & strict (i.e. in those few cases which are said to be the cases where this occurs) that they are concerned with the strictness of...
Eastern Promises
{Part 1 – 22/10/2016} A preamble on Eastern philosophy, religion, idol worship (nb. not referencing F. Bacon[I], but weakly alluding), and phenomenological incongruencies. Any reference to Indian (whether defining geographically, as did the Muslims, vis the river, or by cultural genealogies, via translocated Arayan, [aka] Brahman lineage, or Tantric resurgence [nb. meridian axis or at least...
Freedom Built Deliberately
If it is right to forfeit, then surely a final charge is warranted before we leave our body to rot (eyes bleached and vacant) in the field of action. The goal is not perfection achieved in a giant leap. Rather, to take the first n steps, in their order, as extracted from mental considerations and heuristic understanding. For example, nb. Esav is not the I, but rather a partzuf matrix, therefore...
A Letter to a Cousin
“And you should love God with all your heart…” This is a verse written to the Israeli people by Moses, but the message I think transcends personal destinies. I wonder if the Palestinian people would listen to it. They would have to be taught its secret, which is the great human problem: how could my suffering have been for the best? How can a people love their creator when they are...
Sailors and donkeys
[1 of sea as 1 of 4II? inspired by what is taught in memshaltecha in ashrei? (nb. Contextualize the dor va dor too for this). Suggestive, but no proof. Vaguely, kol olamim involves passing through the sea, this occurs over generations, this is done via something like a keter which is hidden, and it is the will to control beyond the seen. Viz. when talking about the malchut of seas, and the...
A Prolegomena to a Prolegomena to a Study
{24/10/2016} Even approaching the approaching of this thing requires consideration. {24/10/2016} The goal is a proper study. The means is to know how to study. The precursor is to wonder how to know how to study. More premises: The subject of the goal is an Aleph. (#Borges) A premise of the means is that the value of a study can vary. A fundamental question within wondering is, how is a personal...