The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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De-extinction is the restoration into the world of living specimens of animals that had once been extinct. There are three technologies for de-extinction currently being explored, each one with a target species its project hopes to de-extinct. A. Back-breeding. This is only possible where there exist living species with genetic homologues to the target extinct species. By this method, the desired...

Science Review: North highest temperature since 600 years


Source: Original research Letter in Nature (April 11, 2013). Background: Although it has been known that Northern latitudes have had extreme temperature highs, it is difficult to prove that those are higher than any in the past. Methods: Use hierarchical Bayesian approach…(?) Results: Recent years have the highest extremes, and approx. 0 lowest extremes. The past 20yrs are 1.16C higher than...

Science Review: Animal self-medication


Concept: Animal self-medication. Source: Perspective in Science (April 12, 2013). Background: Self-medication (incl. prophylactic) can be administered to self, inter-generational (e.g. fruit flies lay preferentially in high ethanol foods following detection of parasitoid* wasps), social (e.g. anti-microbial resin incorporated by wood ants into nest). Criteria include that it must be costly (thus...

Babel Box


This is a box which has the ability to transform the nature of a book placed within it, in such a way that the audience (what may be considered the direction to which the author intends their ideas) is changed to a new, specific, target. The box only changes the one book which has been placed inside it, and all other similar books – including those books with otherwise identical text...

Science Review: Opsins – Not Just for Eyes


A News Focus covering a trend identified at a conference: opsins (light-responsive GPCRs) are found in myriad tissues, including primitive phylogenies (incl. sea-urchins and jellyfish). These researches have led to an increased appreciation of the variety of roles opsins may serve: Light-responsive roles (cf. vision) (e.g. modulating likelihood of stinging cells firing in hydra). Part of multi...

Science Review: The Origin of the Moon


Concept:  Giant Impact Theory A Perspective piece in Science on the Giant Impact Theory, as an introduction to two new papers with different simulation solutions. Paper gives background, explains two papers, competing theories, and future challenge to this question. Any simulation needs to explain: [1] the Moon’s angular momentum, and [2] slightly lower density; [3] it’s apparent age...

Science Review: Technology Briefs


2012_11: Genomic Epidemiology uses full genome sequencing of pathogens collected from (suspected) patients to trace the transmission vector. [] 2012_11: Biochar is charred (heated without air) biomass, that has the potential to mitigate climate change and – important for its economic viability – benefit agriculture. For the former it removes carbon from the biomass-cycle into a stable...

Science Review: Imperfect sensory information


Concept: Imperfect sensory information. Source: A Nature News & Views, referencing recent original research from Science (April 5, 2013). Background: Previous work proved that there is noise in decision making, leaving open the question as to the noise’s source (e.g. sensory organ, ability to accumulate information, biases, strategy for estimating information importance). Methods: New...

Science Review: PCSK9 assists LDL cholesterol determined cardiac health


Concepts: PCSK9, and LDL cholesterol. Source: A News Feature in Nature (April 9, 2013). Background: PCSK9 circulates in the blood, binding to the LDL receptor on the surface of liver cells, taking them into the cell to be degraded. On the surface, LDL receptors capture LDL cholesterol to remove it from the bloodstream. Mutating/inhibiting PCSK9 leaves more LDL receptors on the surface, thus...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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