The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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Comics Reading Index


Superman: Superman The Man of Steel volumes #1-2, incl. LEGENDS.; Superman The Man of Steel volume #3-5. Equiv. Superman The Man of Steel volume #6, overlap. MILLENIUM; incl. World of Metropolis; Supergirl Saga; overlap. INVASION!. Exile, Eradication! Krisis, Time and Time, Panic; incl. Luthor Unauthorized; incl. ARMAGEDDON2001. Death and Return of Superman Justice League: JL: A New Beginning...

Superman #1


Editorial notes: Having dedicated two earlier entries in 2011 to Superman, in November 2015 Shai returns to writing about superheroes. In a month of flurried activity between mid-November and mid-December 2014, Shai writes 13 posts, dedicated to reviewing Superman, Hawkman, Aquaman and Flash. The post below is one of a number of entries in Shai’s Evernote journals, where he attempts to...

Thinking about Hegel’s “Reason”


The significance of Reason was not immediately apparent for me. At first it seemed no different, except by semantic quibbles, from thought. In retrospect this occurred because when I scrutinized what would be a mind that self-defined as Reason, what I was actually considering was a rational mind. And a rational mind could be just a thinking mind whose thoughts all conformed to some (logical) set...

Hegel on “Reason”


A summary of Phenomenology of Spirit (by Hegel) on Reason. This chapter describes the ongoing evolution of a consciousness that knows that it itself and its experiences are both explicable by, and manifestations of, reason. This has existential and practical implications, and leads consciousness to prove its assumptions: testing science, desire and ethics, and its relation to society.

Hegel Index


This is an index for all my posts on Hegel. The order of publication is indicated by the numbering and otherwise this order basically follows the Phenomenology of Spirit. Contextualizing Hegel’s Philosophy [4] Reading Hegel on “Sense Certainty” [1] Taylor Reading Hegel on “Sense Certainty” [5] Reading Hegel on “Desire” [2] Reading Hegel on “Lord and...

Notes on Nature Magazine 08 Oct 2014


Health: The weighty costs of non-caloric sweeteners A new study shows that metabolic changes induced by non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) (e.g. elevated fasting glucose) are induced by (and can be directly induced by) changes to gut bacteria. Include human demonstration. Further hypotheses: (1) Increase in bacteria that break down dietary components, esp. energy extraction including fats...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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