The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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Hawkman #2


Hawkworld (1990-3): [Hommy (dies), Bladebat] H to be sent to Earth (something to do with a Thanagarian museum exhibit (?) and bonus to deal with Byth who escaped to there). I like the tension between H&H, she’s from Downside, and they differ in their politics. I also like the intensity of H, esp. following his isolation for years on the Island of Chance, and the tribulations he overcame...

Superman #5


Pre-Interim: AC 676 – [Hellgrammite] MOS 11 – [Hamilton, Flashpoint (from Exile World)] S 67 AOS 49O – [Hamilton, Husque] AC 677 – (Sg will work with Lexcorp) MOS 12 – (Monster from beneath Metro.) S 68 – [Deathstroke the Terminator] AOS 491 – [Metallo] AC 678 [Lex, Metallo] MOS 13 – [Cerberus] S 69 – [Pete Ross, Agent Liberty] AOS 492 –...

Superman #4


First, Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite: S 49 – Barrage from Superman Annual #2 (the one who shot that cop [Dan Turpin] that fell in love with Sawyer) is back in town. Mr M gives L that red kryptonite he made, it takes away S’s powers on the condition that L not reveal M’s involvement. S & L brawl, L kicks S out to be dealt with by those who hate him too (L really does...

Heart of Stone


As I write this, I am also experimenting with possibilities: what will I write, what will it mean, what is its purpose? If the tone of these questions sounds excessively ponderous, then that is only a side-effect of what I wonder, here and more generally. I am noticing that although the first few sentences are beginning to accumulate, they are not leading anywhere; circular labyrinths...

Superman #3


EXILE: Superman #28 – Starts with a good recap. Apparently, Brainiac was injured in the Invasion and is now back within the clutches of Lexcorp (and senses/tells that S is no longer around). CK’s expose is being published, re. Edge’s Galaxy co. and Intergang. First world S visits is lifeless, reminding him of the horror; nearly crashes into a star; saves an alien from crash...

Superman #2


This will start from Action Comics Annual #1, then overlap with the Millennium event. Superman Annual #1 Tears for Titano. (Dr Moyers [cf. S#7], also Mrs Wallers and Mr Steel). An experiment that escapes, and keeps growing until Moyers kills it. Action Comics Annual #1. Superman helps Batman out in a small town with an old vampire in the middle of the swamp. Action Comics #594 All That Glistens...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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