What a beautiful world this is.
Its magnitude is refracted from before the waves of nothing into the spaces that grow faster than they could know.
Its power measures dew drops into infernos and beyond indefatigable momentum. Its terrible subtlety hinted in tendrils of air, the rustling of feathers, in the dreams of a man, echoed in every moment.
A phenomenological reading
Editorial notes: This essay can be categorised as the first in a series of 18 expositions comprising Shai’s Consolidation work. Shai commences his analysis by stipulating that the core ideas found in the “Indus Canon” – apparently referring to the wisdom of the East – provide a better philosophical reach than those found in the “ancient West” – referring, I believe, to ancient Greek philosophy...
How to Build an Ark
Editorial notes: This post was found in ‘Draft’ mode in the original blog and may be incomplete. It is published here in its original state. It was last updated on 03/11/2016. What follows is a very practical guide to building an ark. Or joining one if already built 🙂 Briefest guide Some metaphysical principles A medium guide A summary guide Briefest Guide Mundane version: With every...
Editorial notes: This draft exposition is significant as it is the first documented evidence to Shai’s deep study of Kabbalistic concepts. Alongside his Kabbalistic writings, Shai also uses (sometimes extensively) a special notation for depicting combinations Hebrew letters. So, 1I refers to the Hebrew letter Aleph, 8I to the Hebrew letter Chet, and 4I to the Hebrew letter Daled. In this...
Editorial notes: In October 2016, Shai opens his eighth blog, entitled “A Bashful Hope“ and sub-title “Dreaming of meaning”. Between October 2016 and December 2016 he posts 13 articles in this blog. This blog is clearly a work-in-progress and its menu structure suggests that Shai planned to incorporate articles across the vast areas of Kabbalah, Torah commentary and Zionism. I can only speculate...
We Lived in a Farmhouse
Editorial notes: The first part of this short autobiographical narrative refers to the time Shai lived in a debilitated farmhouse in the Brisbane area. I was there is June 2015 and the description of the farmhouse, its surroundings and inhabitants is spot on. The last paragraph is Shai’s beautiful, yet painful, reflection of his continuing battle with drug addiction. The analogy he draws between...
Untitled Document
By the late decade, he was an architect for a new data trawler innovate, designed to ease the congestion in cross-domain strategy development. These projects had stalled for weeks and were the major advantage of the Democrat party, which held them their single greatest advantage in the “Wise Decisions polls” TM. The party made a drastic decision to pool resources from alternative...
First steps in seeing the world by way of the Infinite
Editorial notes: This post was found in ‘Draft’ mode in the original blog and may be incomplete. It is published here in its original state. It was last updated on 27/09/2016 Hint: To properly appreciate this essay, explore the links. They add another dimension into the message Shai wanted to convey. The foundation of all foundations and the pillar of all wisdom is to know that there...
A call to my heart
Editorial notes: This poem was found in ‘Draft’ mode in the original blog and may be incomplete. It is published here in its original state. It was last updated on 19/09/2016 Arise, my heart. Don’t look down, no matter the pains that surround me. Shine, my heart. Cast the beacon of your feelings on all that arises within me. Your light has come, my heart. The sympathy you seek...
An attempt at seeing creation
I am small and the world is great and beyond my comprehension right now. This at least I can say without doubt. But here is a dream. Once there was a fish in a fishbowl. There were pebbles on the ground, water all around, a toy castle, and a filtration system of some sort. Every so while food would fall from above the water, from where there was no water, a place of nothingness except pain of...