Editorial notes: The article begins with a comparison between the ‘self’ and the ‘soul’. The ‘self’ is a term usually used in psychological dissertations and is the subject of several developmental theories. The ‘soul’, however, is a theological/philosophical term that is not subjected to the same pattern of developmental changes. As far as the ‘positivist identifier” and ‘legalistic in its...
Distance to fall
…you only fall from the point you allow yourself to sink. (Despite the phantom essay that had been unfolding in the back shadows of my mind, now that I’ve written that down, it seems like enough. Now I feel wrong for mocking god. Maybe it (seemed like it) was enough?) Let me add just the slightest of content, by adding some of the obvious: I’ve reason to believe this true. I...
Master switch – part one
Prelude: I call this post “Part one”, not because I have a second or extra content intended to complement this one. But rather to acknowledge the overwhelming observation that what I have achieved here is but a very basic introduction to the question. And so: There’s a switch I can sometimes feel for, somewhere in my mind. It’s just a single button. Nothing fancier than...
Wednesday September 25, 2013
Meta: There were some intentions I’d developed half-heartedly, though their outcomes were deserving of all that much more. I had made various agreements and bribes by which I hoped to venture ever forward. “Limited” progress be as it may, I’m faced again with the starter’s choice, but I feel like t’would be best left for the morning. “Left for the...
Thursday September 19, 2013
I have listened to a Nature podcast: Stephen Hawkings and Edward Snowden are heroes of mine. They just found the largest volcano in the entire solar system. And it’s on Earth! Go Science! Team Earth. Children respond intellectually (as by the ability to differentiate dinosaurs from another species) to not only human noise (chatter), but also animal noise (cf. language). One of the greatest...
Wednesday September 18, 2013
There are so many things to say, each butterfly litters my awareness, distractions moulding themselves into the grain of passing time, and again, until all moments have become one, that single sphere of life in the past. Which is all very well, but things must be said if they are to avoid silence’s hollow reach into each and every nether corner (black stamps send blank letters along ghostly...
Saturday September 14, 2013
Money dominates our reality When I think about what money really is, I’m neither surprised nor disappointed that we’ve become existentially dependent on it. If you follow backwards along the chain of causality, you may see that most-every reward can be a consequence of money. There’s no way that can’t change us as we live our lives enveloped by this net! We treat cannabis...
De-extinction is the restoration into the world of living specimens of animals that had once been extinct. There are three technologies for de-extinction currently being explored, each one with a target species its project hopes to de-extinct. A. Back-breeding. This is only possible where there exist living species with genetic homologues to the target extinct species. By this method, the desired...
Whiskey and speed in Aldinga
Editorial notes: Autobiography? The journey is not a destination Sleep-deprived – a night of seizures, lost large-breasted woman, and saviour-Nazi’s – we got up to prods and threats. A random corner of the room was chosen, swept up, and stuffed into duffle bags. We were as ready for Adelaide as we’d ever been. Into the car; rushing back inside to collect the ever-necessary...
Reflections on the Human Condition
Three books collide in my mind and make me reflect on the human condition. Please excuse me. 1. T.S. Eliot wrote that April is the cruellest month because it reminds us of renewal; once, long ago, a woman asked the gods for immortality but forgot to ask for eternal youth. She begs to die and the renewal of spring in April taunts her. 2. Jorge Luis Borges, who was undoubtedly intimately familiar...