The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


A Letter to a Cousin


“And you should love God with all your heart…” This is a verse written to the Israeli people by Moses, but the message I think transcends personal destinies. I wonder if the Palestinian people would listen to it. They would have to be taught its secret, which is the great human problem: how could my suffering have been for the best? How can a people love their creator when they are...

Neurobiology of love


This is for you. I love you. Love is the quintessential romantic, irrational, human experience. It is in the first place the domain of its clients, although readily owned by the poets. As for others. The philosophers are permitted access, though they often regress into poets too; describing love as sacred, profound, and utterly existential. In the penultimate place in the line for love, in front...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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