The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

CategoryCurriculum Vitae

Constructing a Contemplation for Confidence


Here I attempt to design instructions for contemplation which aims to induce an awareness of eligibility, allure, and direction, for a particular will. Here I use the will that says, “I shall rule,” (which are the first three words of all wills), “and my majesty shall be the prism that knows itself to be riding a ladder constructed of dreams within dreams.” First select three forms that are...

Personal Statement RMIT 2016


To whom it may concern, A personal statement is not mandatory for my application to a Masters in Analytics but is an opportunity for me to advertise my interest and relevant experience. This letter will comprise a quasi-biographical form since that is the easiest medium for expressing and communicating my position. I have a background in biomedical science (completed with an Honours year in 2008...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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