The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L


Bibliomes: Scribbles


Editorial notes: For a broader elaboration on Shai’s ‘Bibliome project’ see the Editorial notes to ‘Philosophy Readings Through Time‘ (Open link in a new tab). Here I start to plan bibliomes – they being organic districts that are fertilized by interest and motivation, and whose seeds can be defined as specifically as words. This “page”, or Note...

Borrowings: Scribbles


Here some Notes are taken describing books acquired, thus possibly illustrating motivations, etc., which may serve Bibliome growth. 2013_03_01: A book by Cicero and by Drabble, via the Philosophy and Literature Bibliomes. Dense Macarbe by Stephen King, which are essays on his thoughts on Horror. This serves my previous affection for his writings and respect for his authorship, and which may...

Biomes, Concepts, and Categories


The intention is to create “Biomes” for bibliomatic (bibliophrenic?)…{?}. So far (27.02.13) we have the Concepts “BYAF” and “Neurochronoarchitecture”… actually, the former is more accurately described as an Idea… hence, I’m renaming Concepts to Ideas, since the former are a subset. For now, it would be best to accumulate items under...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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