The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

CategoryA Bashful Hope

Untitled allegory


This is an allegory. It distorts a lot what it intends to allude. There was an article the other day about new documents uncovered in King’s College. The papers are by Newton and describe a dream he had. In this dream he discovered the key to the alchemist’s stone and used the stone to gaze back in time, to see who had built the stone hedges near his house.  He saw primitive sapiens...

Deconstructing Mishna#1


This is an expression of how I’ve been thinking about the first Mishna. It goes into more detail than my previous post. It does not propose to explain what the Mishna is about. Instead, I propose to explain what I have been thinking about. 1. From when are we to perform the Shema recital in the evening? 2. “From the hour that the Kohanim move to eat their Teruma; until the end of the...

Step outside


Just for a few minutes. Not literally. The way things look is undeniable. The more we look, the more we see. And it’s still undeniable. But behind it all. Between shadows and flickers of distraction, is some other thing, a gossamer lighthouse, impossible and tall. I don’t know what other shapes it has; only the ones I’ve seen: It’s the desperate hope that the way something...

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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