[Editor: Has potential, but lacks momentum until a vector is adumbrated for the answer]
Every year Edge.org designs a question for the leading intellectuals and innovators to pit against their visions, with the hope that the rest of us may thus gain some insight into their mind and understanding[I].
After deliberate deliberation, we will be reincarnating our approach which had become stale and was kowtowing (by way of causality) to a decline in audience numbers. Instead of text-based answers, with or without audio-visual appendum, we will be using the newly developed Magic Dinner meta simulator.
(Legal stuff: We have acquired the MD intellectual property for Europe, Asia, and Luna, but will be published exclusively as creative commons p=i: All expressions exist as hypothetically alternative realities).
Our question for 2027 is thus:
Who do you wish was present at every meal in 2028 to prevent another 2027-esque[II] disappointment?
[II] “The suffix -esque means “like” or “resembling.” You can add -esque to almost any noun, including proper nouns. Use restraint. Too many -esque words in the same passage may seem clumsy and repetitive. Don’t pile on redundant suffixes that mean the same thing as -esque(e.g., “picturesque-like”)”. For further details see https://www.grammarly.com/blog/esque/.