The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

Notes on Hegel “PoS” C.AA.V. ‘The certainty and truth of reason’


Nb. this is on the bit starting C.AA.V(231), but before it begins C.AA.V.A (nb. noted below)

[231] “But in this object, in which it finds that its own action and being, as being that of this particular consciousness, are being and action in themselves, there has arisen for consciousness the idea of Reason, of the certainty that, in its particular individuality, it has being absolutely in itself, or is all reality.”

This allows *us* to unify them, as Reason.

[232] Reason relates to actuality via mode of idealism; to it the world or its own appearance are both assuredly within its thoughts, so it is not worried about independence or freedom.

H seems to be resetting. Saying that Reason is a new history. As if what it has overcome to become R, means that it has cancelled/appropriated it:

“it discovers the world as its new real world”

“In thus apprehending itself, after losing the grave of its truth, after the abolition of its actuality is itself abolished, and after the singleness of consciousness is for it in itself Absolute Essence, it discovers the world as its new real world, which in its permanence holds an interest for it which previously lay only in its transiency ; for the existence of the world becomes for self-consciousness its own truth and presence; it is certain of experiencing only itself therein.”

[233] “Reason is the certainty of consciousness that it is all reality; thus does idealism express its Notion.”

“idealism’ give direct expression to that certainty: ‘I am I’, in the sense that the ‘ I ‘ which is an object for me is the sole object, is all reality and all that is present.”

There is no more ‘other’ in the sense of having an intrinsic being separate to s.c.

“The consciousness which is this truth has this path behind it and has forgotten it, and comes on the scene immediately as Reason; in other words, this Reason which comes immediately on the scene appears only as the certainty of that truth. Thus it merely asserts that it is all reality, but does not itself comprehend this; for it is along that forgotten path that this immediately expressed assertion is comprehended.”

Not clear to me what it must be forgotten. But the conclusion means that this is a pre-conscious belief, i.e. without justification (e.g. the narrative of the PoS up to this point).

[234] This shape of c. is native to itself, born anew, and thus must face the shapes of c. that came previously, e.g. perception, uhc

[235-6] Previously category was the essential of the existent, but now it is the essence of the unity of s.c. and thing/that-which-has-being. There appears however a multiplicity of categories, as sub categories (per H’s use of the word). There result different moments, such as realizing that the multiple sub-cats are aspect of the simple cat, and thence that individual subsumes these differences into a grander unity.

Thus, C, is these moments, moving back an forth…

[237] “Consciousness, however, as essence is this whole process itself, of passing out of itself as simple category into a singular individual, into the object, and of contemplating

this process in the object, nullifying the object as distinct (from it), appropriating it as its own, and proclaiming itself as this certainty of being all reality, of being both itself and its object.”

[238] “Its first declaration is only this abstract empty phrase that everything is its own. For the certainty of being all reality is at first [only] the pure category. This Reason which first recognizes itself in the object finds expression in the empty idealism which grasps Reason only as it first comes on the scene; and fancies that by pointing out this pure ‘mine’ of consciousness in all being, and by declaring all things to be sensations or ideas, it has demonstrated this ‘ mine’ of consciousness to be complete reality. It is bound, therefore, to be at the same time absolute empiricism, for in order to give filling to the empty ‘ mine’, i.e. to get hold of difference with all its developed formations, its Reason requires an extraneous impulse, in which first is to be found the multiplicity of sensations and ideas. This idealism, therefore, becomes the same kind of self-contradictory

ambiguity as Scepticism, except that, while this expresses itself negatively, the former does so positively”

“It is involved in a direct contradiction; it asserts essence to be a duality of opposed factors, the unity of apperception and equally a Thing; whether the Thing is called an extraneous impulse, or an empirical or sensuous entity, or the Thing-in itself, it still remains in principle the same, i.e. extraneous to that unity.”

[239] Reason: “being at first only the certainty that it is all reality, it is aware in this Notion that qua certainty, qua ‘I’, it is not yet in truth reality, and it is impelled to raise its certainty to truth and to give filling to the empty ‘ mine’ .”



[240] “Reason sets to work to /know/ the truth, to find in the form of a Notion that which, for ‘ meaning’ and ‘ perceiving’, is a Thing; i .e. it seeks to possess in thinghood the consciousness only of itself. Reason now has, /therefore/, a universal interest in the world, because it is certain of its presence in the world, or that the world present to it is

rational. It seeks its ‘other’, knowing that therein it possesses nothing else but itself: it seeks only its own infinitude.”

[241] It seeks itself in the world, planting its flags, and opening entrails, but it will always come up short until it has “completed itself internally”.

[242] It says that it wants to understand the world, but it actually is seeking itself, as is proved by the fact that in exploring the sensuous world it analyzes it via its own terms, as concepts.



Per the notion of reason it follows that the artificial system (of the scientist) should confirm/conform with nature’s.

Describes the scientific method, cataloging and ascribing categories and genre. But then it has a problem:

“So it is that observation which clings to passive, unbroken selfsameness of being, inevitably sees itself tormented just in its most general determinations-e.g. of what are the differentiae of an animal or a plant-by instances which rob it of every determination, invalidate the universality to which it had risen, and reduce it to an observation and description which is devoid of thought.” [247]

Problem for observation separating determinateness with universality. At their borders, they meet.

This leads it to seek the laws (viz. that are responsible of the determinateness of an observation).


Next sub sub sub sections are at b:298, c:309
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The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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