Editorial notes: The Evernote journal entry written on this day contains material (see the second paragraph in the post below) that is fundamental and pivotal to understanding Shai’s life philosophy. I decided to deviate from one of my editorial principles and highlighted it for ease of reading. While the point has been raised in the ‘Editorial notes’ elsewhere, the core of...
Master switch – part one
Prelude: I call this post “Part one”, not because I have a second or extra content intended to complement this one. But rather to acknowledge the overwhelming observation that what I have achieved here is but a very basic introduction to the question. And so: There’s a switch I can sometimes feel for, somewhere in my mind. It’s just a single button. Nothing fancier than...
Friday October 4, 2013
The last thing I wrote on Kant, was last month, and was: (2) Categories are ultimately derived from the laws of logic and that is an element in what proves their veracity. (2.1.) The task to identify the underlying grammar and vocabulary of language, is a phenomenon comparable to that of identifying the concepts that underly experience (S39). [This analogy makes it easier to swallow the...
I only meant to ask, What?
……………..awkward silences are (normally) invisible on the written page, but they still exist (an idealist would retort – who too would disappear but for the merciful hand of the author), they exist in the breaths taken while the keyboard falls silent. By that definition, they are the most invisible function of writing. The anti-thesis to writing. A black hole? It...