On these days, I ask myself what I’ve learned, and often that prompts me to write. Sometimes it’s lessons. Lessons like, “Don’t think (often) about what other people are thinking,” I believe such lessons help me grow.
Growth means clarity of experience, a loosening of bonds, and a dispersal of questionable cargo. As I expand, I want to incorporate into my reality a larger scope of what it means to be. Sometimes (maybe often, I can’t positively say) the problem is a matter of perspective. As we grow, we either learn how to deal with a problem, or in the new now the problem no longer applies. Personal growth, growth of consciousness, occurs through transdimensional arrays. I note that space is only a single paradigm of existence, and I’m conscious of it (cf. others, of which I’m not conscious).
As I think about how wonderful consciousness is, I quickly move to thinking about how wonderful the world is, and existence too. It instinctively bothers me how far life has become, away from truth and meaning, and I imagine what it would take to fix this human problem.