The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

Saturday September 14, 2013

Money dominates our reality

When I think about what money really is, I’m neither surprised nor disappointed that we’ve become existentially dependent on it. If you follow backwards along the chain of causality, you may see that most-every reward can be a consequence of money. There’s no way that can’t change us as we live our lives enveloped by this net!

We treat cannabis as terrible

The extreme product of herb criminalization means that the legal system treats dealing with herb the same or worse than the murder of a human person.

Wondering about a chocolate packaging

Something I’ve wondered about: Is chocolate better the harder it is to open its packaging. I got to thinking this while consuming Crispello, which historians will remember was the object of an advertising campaign that shouted its name from electric boxes we all collect. Not only is the wrapper slightly more fiddly than similar alternatives, but it came with illustrated instructions (with important arrows in yellow and red each pointing which way) telling me to “peel” it. No shit, Sherlock. It must be hard to compete in a saturated market when it looks like everything’s been tried: thus I commiserated the multi-billionaire conglomerates that have convinced us that we have the right to poison ourselves if we choose to. By the way, it’s a couple of chocolate texture; a hyper sugarised and diluted chocolate.

Advising my interest in philosophy

I’m interested in philosophy. But is there a way of looking forward to see what it is that I actually want, and what it is that I want. I can give myself things and see if which way they turn my desire, and thus follow its languorous compass on my own. How about when I finish my current philosophy through time shtick. Well, I guess I’d like to be smarter, in an enlightened way; expand my mind with mappings from the best thinkers. It’s not a means that replaces self-sought truths; better to focus on the humility it requires. These guys (ostensibly) were geniuses, surely they are worth listening to. Suddenly my view is refreshed, and I can know that I just want the best right now, especially since they’re in abundance. And in their own voice. So should I go ahead and tackle the first Critique. We’ll see what comes where.

Cannabis’ effect on consciousness

Herb alters consciousness, and while it may be difficult to word a perfect representation of the multi-modal effect, I can still describe particular concepts that have been delineated by isolation. For instance, it assists in a meditation that readjusts perspective to pull away from the ego’s chains. Does that mean it loosens those chains? A positive answer must include the caveat that it is an arbitrary unit, incomplete without the whole.

An ode to being awake during the night

I can admit. I love the night-time. I like to go outside and be outside when it’s a day. During the day I’ve come to hide from the sun. It’s almost like the sun makes me more aware of my biological entity. I’m in so much physical pain, so anything that highlights it at all cannot be tolerated very well. I just like walking around the streets (that define most of our reality) and the trees (that are getting hard to find on short notice). Stalking the night, I guess. But really, why?

Neuroconsciousness is a new feature of evolution

How’s this for an attempt on the spot. Mammals have been developing more and more rules for how to act upon sense data. Think about an organism floating on a rock. It’s radius occasionally undergoes erratic variations (i.e. when it hits another matter mass). But that’s not the only type of radius variation, which undergoes smaller changes almost always (i.e. pressure wavelengths in space across time). Noteworthy was the adaptation to detect electromagnetic radiation for interpreting, and whose output became highly analysed with each growth in processing.

It is possible to shrink one’s perspective into the brain. On one hand, it’s your body versus the environment. Your body was an infinitely complicated robot scout of existence. It was inbuilt with sensors and processing. Using a parasite analogy, it is creepy to think of how it sent its tendrils down the centre of the animal, and then secondary probes into all the extremities; what’s more, whatever defences the body has, the brain needs more, it places itself within a keep of high walls. (Now, looking at developmental neurobiology, I can see the neuronal structures literally surfing the waves of morphogen gradients and cell differentiation (making sure that “wherever they go, we go”). Now you can see that the brain has information collection stations along the spinal cord, where they transfer, and then swoop the data up into the brain’s analysis outputs. When do I get to say, “Me”? So: the brain is also a creature, and they travel through space (here) and time (now). It’s not incidental that vertebrates have developed these capacities (the ones that later become the property of consciousness). There’s an instinct to ensure to insist, that I’m not trying to suggest that the brain experiment has hijacked evolution. Which would sound reasonable, if one had never met a Homo sapien.

If we see the Australian Indigenous (how laboured is PC language!) as an instance of a “stone-age culture”, their “primitiveness” (so says) still displays an incredibly complicated artificial edifice around themselves, their culture. That’s how savvy our brain is, it can create culture ex nihilo. This output is the product of a brain that has its millionaire’s pair of tools for dissecting this world. But in the brain’s history, every achievement was also an experiment, searching for a meaning that might be imposable on all the information. It’s still a search in the dark. The brain is blind and deaf and numb.

As soon as we acknowledge the dependence of consciousness (I think, therefore I am) on the brain, it must count as a great achievement. Like a shiny chip in evolution’s silicon (ahem, carbon) valley. In a blind evolution, and all evolution is blind. We evolved out of creatures best recognized as Neanderthal (accuracy be damned), and they didn’t leave any notes.

[Bla] Here’s a separation between sight and sound. They both sense things. They both also spray the environment for information. That the omnipresent visual and aural… listen to a stream, now forget the stream… what’s left is an unknown pattern

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By Pala
The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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