The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

Believing that the world is OK


There’s this belief that the world is OK. How to address this? How about step 1: What is the nature of the constituents of the matter of concern? Or as Socrates might be modernized, “What is the meaning of each thing?”. Truly ask this, because barely any do. Plato would have us believe that Socrates was the wisest just for knowing that he knew nothing. The implication is that for the far majority, knowledge is not merely a mode of belief, but of faith, all the worse for being chosen. Phew. Exaggeration obviously? So did we check what things mean?

Our world, you and I, Homo sapien level consciousness, are concerned about our lives, which are dominated by interaction with the rest of it. To an almost singular extent, the degree to which we are so dominated, or more-so, not, is synonymous with forms of power, of which wealth is the contemporary archetype.

Let me paint you an image of Homo sapien. The greatest – by which description you intuitively know what I mean,  the most powerful – social structure was that dominated by the Roman Empire. Let me tell you about the Roman Empire. I got these flickering impressions from Wikipedia by-the-way, so do your own issue if you’re scoffing. At least a third of the population of Italy were slaves! At least one in ten across the entire empire!! Furthermore: About half the slaves were owned by just over 1 per cent!!! Slaves could be summarily executed, had no legal recourse (awaiting changes), and could be born into lives that were nasty, brutish, and short (especially those working labour in mines and fields). So wait, why do we have the Leviathan? Anyway…

Oh, and the technical term for that sort of situation is “status quo”. So stop rocking the boat!

People are ok with things. Merely ‘mostly’, not ‘completely’. But; always. Always. Always. No matter what. Always. So why the whole spiel. People suck. Always. Today too. That is the nature of society (that place your consciousness calls home).

Opposition now enters (stage left), “But what about progress?” I agree, therein appears hope. Perhaps, or at least, by some arguments, ‘inevitably’. But I’m talking about the billionaires. The ‘hundreds-of-million’aires. These people are not good. And they built our cage.

If you’re vibrating high enough now, you might get that feeling of the Matrix. The scene wherein everything changes from shapes to symbols, and in a single moment our intrepid hero understands how it all works. Although that of course is an exaggeration. We have but the faintest. We know but the most general and publicized.

So what does the person do? That’s your question.

Here’s a little food for thought while you ponder that one. In a very general way that I hope you understand, every single rule about life is invented, artificial. All those expectations and values. They’re all man-made. Thus you can decide what you want and why, completely on your own.

[Temporal hiatus interputus]

All it takes is for one shadow to be out of shape or a single disobedient mirror for you to wonder whether “they’re” everywhere. What’s the right word for the tendrils that seem to curl around with such sleight.

And once more I return to the antithetical problem: but how can the world be getting better? It seems obvious that the intuitive sense of enfranchisement, or it’s negative-form, segregation, have progressed enormously even if only over the last few centuries.

[One last thing:] Paint It fucking Black. Right? Paint it all. Take the rainbow, the girls, all the pretty colours. What place do they have in this world. There is so much darkness. So much. So much. So much. So much. So much. So much. So much, so much so msodfj ljsdfj lsdfjdslkfjioejo[peofesld.d..d.d.dfuck fuck fucked. Paint it fucking black because it’s barely else despite its faux colours. Black. All of it.

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By Pala
The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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