The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

ArchiveDecember 2009

Children of Hamlin (TNG)


Children of Hamlin, by Carmen Carter, is the third of the numbered TNG books . There are two plots, the minor of which involves the ferrying of some “Farmers”, who eschew technology, to a new colony. The major plot begins with the discovery of a ship under attack by an unknown alien vessel. After sending the enemy ship into retreat they take on board the survivors, including one man...

They’ll never catch me… because I’m fucking innocent


Bottle Rocket (1996) was Wes Anderson’s first feature film, apparently co-written with Owen Wilson who also acts here, alongside his brother Luke Wilson. In brief the film plot begins with Anthony (L. Wilson) leaving (but appearing to escape for the sake of his friend) from a mental hospital, joining up with Dignan (O. Wilson), who wants the two to carry out a heist so that they can show up...

The Peacekeepers (TNG)


The Peacekeepers, by Gene DeWeese, is the second of the numbered TNG books. The plot begins with the Enterprise identifying a strange vessel which is completely self-enclosed and uniform in layout. Soon after Geordie and Data are lost (from the perspective of the rest of the crew) having been transported far away to some orbital station where they are regarded by the leader (who greets them) as...

About Past Farpoint


This blog was set up to allow me to post reviews of TNG novels, including thoughts and links to other pertinent reviews or resources. For the time being, new posts will appear once a week. At this time reviews will appear on the first Sunday of the month.
The author can be contacted easily, either by posting anywhere on the blog or else by sending an email to pastfarpoint (at

The Traveller's Last Journey DEDICATED TO SHAI MAROM Z"L

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